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Aerolase® Neo Elite
DOES ELECTROLYSIS HAVE SIDE EFFECTS ON THE SKIN?The most common side effects after electrolysis session are tenderness, redness and some swelling. These side effects are all normal and temporary.
HOW MUCH WILL TREATMENTS COST?10 Min & under $40.00 15 Min $60.00 30 Min $80.00 45 Min $100.00 60 Min $120.00 120 Min $240.00 **Package deals & no credit check financing available
CAN UNWANTED HAIR BE REMOVED FROM ANY PART OF THE BODY?Most areas of the body can be treated with electrolysis, including the eyebrows, face, abdomen, thighs, breasts, and legs.
CAN HAIRS BE REMOVED FROM MOLES?If you are thinking of undergoing any kind of treatment that might affect it directly, it would be wise to seek a medical opinion beforehand, especially since moles can be unpredictable and dubious sometimes. Electrolysis is generally a safe and simple permanent method to remove hair on healthy moles.
WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LASER AND ELECTROLYSIS?The laser is basically a lamp that produces a certain wavelength of light. This light is absorbed by the pigment cells at the bottom of the hair follicle, heating them up and destroying their surrounding tissue. Laser doesn’t work for blond, grey or red hair. In electrolysis hair removal, a small probe is introduced in the natural opening of the skin. There is no perforation of the skin, making this introduction painless. The upper part of the probe is insulated as not to damage the skin. A small electrical current is subsequently sent through the probe which will heat up the surrounding tissue and destroy it. It will not only destroy the blood supply of the hair follicle but also the real bad guys: the growth cells.
WHAT CAN I DO TO REDUCE THE DISCOMFORT?Most people become more relaxed with each treatment, so they automatically get a little more comfortable each time. Other people take a common pain over-the-counter headache medication like Tylenol or Aspirin to ease the sensations. There are also different over-the-counter topical anesthetics that can be applied in some situations to reduce the discomfort.
HOW MANY SESSIONS ARE REQUIRED?Many factors influence hair growth. The total number of sessions needed to remove hair permanently from a particular area will vary from person to person.
WHAT DOES ELECTROLYSIS FEEL LIKE?It feels different to each client. Most clients only feel a slight impulse as the current is applied. This action is designed to seal off the blood supply that nourishes the hair. Generally, if you have a good electrologist, you will not feel any insertion, nor will you feel the hair being removed. After the hair root has been treated, the hair will slide out with little assistance from your electrologist.
WHAT IS ELECTROLYSIS?Electrolysis is a method of removing individual hairs from the face or body. Today's medical electrolysis devices destroy the growth center of the hair with chemical or heat energy. After a very fine probe is inserted underneath the hair follicle, the hair is removed with tweezers.
HOW LONG DOES ELECTROLYSIS TAKE?That depends enormously on how much hair is involved and the patient’s compliance with the needed scheduling. Remember, this is a permanent treatment so while it may seem lengthy at first at least there is an end in sight.
DOES ELECTROLYSIS WORK ON GRAY HAIR?Yes, electrolysis works on all hair colors, including red, white, blonde, and gray.
DOES ELECTROLYSIS WORK ON TATTOOS?Yes, if you have tattoos electrolysis will work.
HOW LONG DOES EACH TREATMENT TAKE?The length of each appointment depends on the amount of hair you want to remove and whether you have had prior treatments. Usually, treatments start off minimally with 10 minutes, but, depending on previous hair removal methods and the desired treatment area, may last up to one hour or more.
CAN PREGNANT WOMEN GET ELECTROLYSIS?Although Electrolysis has never been proven harmful to pregnant women, it is suggested that you seek the advice of your physician before you continue or begin treatment.
HOW DO I PREPARE FOR MY ELECTROLYSIS TREATMENT?Make sure you drink plenty of water. Keeping your skin hydrated means your follicles have plenty of saline in them which is needed for the current to work well. It also minimizes discomfort during treatment. Refrain from drinking caffeinated or alcoholic beverages the day of your treatment as these will dehydrate your skin.
WHY SHOULD I CHOOSE ELECTROLYSIS OVER OTHER HAIR REMOVAL METHODS?Electrolysis is the only method approved by the FDA for permanent hair removal. As the hair is treated, regrowth is prevented rather than just temporarily suppressed. Only electrolysis provides both hair removal and hair elimination.
ARE ALL HAIRS ELIMINATED IN ONE TREATMENT OR IS REGROWTH EXPECTED?Excessive hair growth, also known as hirsutism, can range from fine, vellus hair to dark, coarse hair on the face and body. Breaking down the hair growth cells on deep, coarse hairs may require more than one treatment.
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